Hiking and mountain biking injuries

Coach/Teacher, General, Official/Administrator, Participant/Parent

September 27, 2023

The sun rose early above the treeline. Over the next few hours, hikers navigated through the winding trails along the side of the mountain while mountain bikers rode downhill and rode fast. Then the sun faded behind the treeline and the next day would bring the same.

Especially in sunny weather, mountain biking and hiking are two popular outdoor activities. There remains an injury risk with each activity providing a different injury profile. In a recent review, researchers from Australia looked into the types of injuries that hikers and mountain bikers experience. The researchers found that hikers tend to experience lower body injuries, such as ankle sprains, while mountain bikers tend to experience injuries to upper body parts, such as arm injuries. Knowing how to prevent these injuries is key before embarking on the next outdoor adventure.

Learn more in PLOS One:


Learn more about hiking injuries and how to prevent them on Active and Safe:


Learn more about mountain biking injuries and how to prevent them on Active and Safe:


Learn more tips for safe and successful adventures with AdventureSmart:
